Simão Pedro Pinho graduated in Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) in 1992. That same year, he started the research studies in the Department of Chemical Engineering from University of Porto, where in 2000 he obtained the degree of Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. In 1995 he started his professional career as a lecturer at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), where he is now Coordinator Professor and permanent member of the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM. At IPB he has been enrolled in management activities such as coordinator of the Chemical and Biological Technology Department, President of the Assembly of Representatives and Vice President of the Scientific Council at the School of Technology and Management.


Applied Thermodynamics
Separation Processes and Process Simulation
Phase Equilibria and Thermo-Physical Properties
Electrolytes, Biomolecules, Terpenoids, Ionic Liquids, Deep Eutectic Solvents


M.A.R. Martins, U. Domańska, B. Schröder, J.A.P. Coutinho, S.P. Pinho. Selection of Ionic Liquids to be used as Separation Agents for Terpenes and Terpenoids. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 4, 548-556, 2016 K.A. Kurnia, S.P. Pinho, J.A.P. Coutinho. Designing ionic liquids for absorptive cooling. Green Chemistry, 16, 3741-3745, 2014 F.L. Mota, A.P. Carneiro, A.J. Queimada, S.P. Pinho, E.A. Macedo. Temperature and Solvent Effects in the Solubility of some Pharmaceutical Compounds: Measurements and Modeling. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 37, 499-507, 2009 S.P. Pinho, E.A. Macedo. Solubility in Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries. In Developments and Applications in Solubilities, T. Letcher (Ed), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007 S.P. Pinho, E.A. Macedo. Solubility of NaCl, NaBr and KCl in Water, Methanol, Ethanol and their Mixed Solvents. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 50, 29-32, 2005 L.A. Ferreira, E.A. Macedo, S.P. Pinho. The Effect of KCl and Na2SO4 on the Solubility of Glycine and DL-Alanine in Water at 298.15 K. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, 8892-8898, 2005


BIOBLOCKS - Concepção de produtos de base biológica como percursores para a bioindústria de síntese química e de biomateriais a partir de fontes lenhocelulósicas. Reference: SI IDT - 33969/2012 F2. Funded by: QREN/AdI, QREN Project. Starting Date: 2013/07/01. Duration: 24 months.
Simão Pinho