Alexandra Sofia Maia graduated in Environmental Health and Biotoxicology in 2009 in the Instituto Universitário de Ciências da Saúde (IUCS). In 2011, she obtained her Master degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of University of Porto. After being a research grantee of the FCT project “FLUOROPHARMA” for two years, she started her PhD studies (2013) and completed her degree in 2018 in Biotechnology (specialization in Environmental Science and Engineering), in the area of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, awarded by the College of Biotechnology of Catholic University of Portugal (UCP). In 2017, she joined the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Instituto Universitário de Ciências da Saúde (IUCS) as Teaching Assistant.
Alexandra joined LSRE-LCM in 2019 as a Junior Researcher to participate in the “SAMPREP – Novel miniaturized sample preparation techniques for multi-class micropollutants determination in environmental matrices” project, under the supervision of Dr. Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro.