Doctor Inmaculada Velo Gala obtained her PhD degree in Chemical by University of Granada (Spain) in 2013, where she worked for three years more as Post-Doctoral researcher in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. During this stage, the aims of her research were the water treatment using advanced oxidation/reduction processes, with particular interest in the application of different radiation sources and carbon materials. In 2016 she moved to Oviedo (Spain) to work as Post-Doctoral Researcher at Instituto Nacional del Carbón (INCAR-CSIC) in Oviedo (Spain), where she researched on the synergistic effects of carbon materials in photo-redox processes. Her next research stage was in the Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua (ICRA) in Girona (Spain) to continue her research on water treatment by photooxidation technologies. In 2018, she awarded the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) EF-IF (H2020 Programme) for developing her research project at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto as member of the Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (LCM).

She is an expert in advanced oxidation/reduction water treatment, with a focus on the removal of both chemical contaminants and pathogens. Specifically, she has extensive experience on reactive species and reaction pathways (radical and/or non-radical) but have also broad knowledge on the role of carbon materials in oxidation/reduction systems. Her aims are to improve the efficiency of water treatments through the development of sustainable technologies and the water reuse processes. Her research is related to innovative lighting solutions for solar or LED driven oxidation processes. She is endlessly fascinated by the way carbon materials transform the catalytic oxidation/reduction systems, a research she actively engages in via her current MSCA project. She is developing a novel solar photoelectrolytic water disinfection system, by integrating low-cost 3D carbon materials as catalysts. The developing of new processes that guarantee a complete more holistically treatment, for environmental conservation and to contribute to the reduction of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, is thus a priority in her career.


Environmental remediation (water pollutants and carbon dioxide removal)
sustainable and low-cost Systems for drinking water and water reuse
Advanced oxidation processes
Carbon materials
Photocatalytic technology
Electrocatalytic systems


L. Sbardella, I. Velo-Gala, J. Comas, I. Rodríguez-Roda Layret, A. Fenu, W. Gernjak. The impact of wastewater matrix on the degradation of pharmaceutically active compounds by oxidation processes including ultraviolet radiation and sulfate radicals. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 380, 120869, 2019 I. Velo-Gala, M.J. Farré, J. Radjenovic, W. Gernjak. N-Nitrododimethylamine (NDMA) degradation by the Ultraviolet/Peroxodisulfato process. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 6, 106-111, 2019 J.I. Martínez-Costa, J. Rivera-Utrilla, R. Leyva-Ramos, M. Sánchez-Polo, I. Velo-Gala. Individual and simultaneous degradation of antibiotics sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim by UV and Solar Radiation in aqueous solution using bentonite and vermiculite as photocatalysts. Applied Clay Science, 160, 217-225, 2018 I. Velo-Gala, J.A. Pirán-Montaño, J. Rivera-Utrilla, M. Sánchez-Polo, A.J. Mota. Advanced oxidation processes based on the use of UV and simulated solar radiation with and radical promoters to remove the antibiotic tinidazole from water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 323, 305-617, 2017 I. Velo-Gala, J.J. López-Peñalver, M. Sánchez-Polo, J. Rivera-Utrilla. Role of activated carbon surface chemistry in its photocatalytic activity and the generation of oxidant radicals under UV or solar radiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 207, 412-423, 2017 A. Gomis-Berenguer, L.F. Velasco, I. Velo-Gala, C.O. Ania. Photochemistry of nanoporous carbons: Perspectives in energy conversion and environmental remediation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 490, 879-901, 2017 A. Gomis-Berenguer, I. Velo-Gala, R. Rodríguez-Castellón, C.O. Ania. Surface Modification of a Nanoporous Carbon Photoanode upon Irradiation. Molecules, 21, 1-11, 2016 A.M.S Polo, I. Velo-Gala, M. Sánchez-Polo,U. von Gunten, J.J. López-Peñalver, J. Riviera-Utrilla. Halide removal from aqueous solution by novel silver-polymeric materials. Science of The Total Environment, 573, 1125-1131, 2016 I. Velo-Gala, J.J. López-Peñalver, M. Sánchez-Polo, J. Riviera-Utrilla. Comparative study of oxidative degradation of sodium diatrizoate in aqueous solution by H2O2/Fe2+, H2O2/Fe3+, Fe(VI) and UV, H2O2/UV, K2S2O8/UV. Chemical Engineering Journal, 241, 504-512, 2014 I. Velo-Gala, J.J. López-Peñalver, M. Sánchez-Polo, J. Rivera-Utrilla. Role of activated carbon on micropollutans degradation by ionizing radiation. Carbon, 67, 288-299, 2017 I. Velo-Gala, J.J. López-Peñalver, M. Sánchez-Polo, J. Rivera-Utrilla. Surface modifications of activated carbon by gamma irradiation. Carbon, 67, 236-249, 2014 I.Velo-Gala, J.J. López-Peñalver, M.Sánchez-Polo, J.Rivera-Utrilla. Activated carbon as photocatalyst of reactions in aqueous phase. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 142-143, 694-704, 2013


SED - Porous carbon materials for Solar photoElectrolytic Disinfection. Reference: 842988. Funded by: European Comission, H2020|ES|MSC - H2020|Excellence Science|Marie Curie. Starting Date: 2019/09/01. Duration: 36 months.
Inmaculada Velo Gala