Rafael Siqueira received his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (Fortaleza - CE, Brazil). His research focus was on modelling and simulation processes of gas separation by adsorption and his thesis, entitled “CO2 capture by pressure swing adsorption”, was developed at Laboratório de Pesquisa em Adsorção e Captura de CO2 (LPACO2) at Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) in collaboration with Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering and Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (LSRE-LCM) at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP). Previous to his doctoral research he joined to the LPACO2 (UFC) group as a Junior Researcher in the project “PSA Optimisation process”, in collaboration with Petrobras S/A (Brazil). He has experience in experimental works and simulation of gas separation and purification by adsorption process. He obtained his Msc degree in Mechanical Engineering working with filtration combustion of biogas and has graduated in Chemical Engineering, both at UFC. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at LSRE-LCM (FEUP) in the project “Development of a new chemical process producing base chemical raw material”.

Supervisors: Alexandre Ferreira


Pressure Swing Adsorption
CO2 Capture and Storage
Gas Purification
Adsorption Processes Modelling and Simulation


R.G. Santiago, R.M. Siqueira, A.C. Alves, E. Vilarrasa-García, D.A.S. Maia, M. Bastos-Neto, D.C.S. Azevedo. Evaluation of the thermal regeneration of an aminegrafted mesoporous silica used for CO2/N2 separation. Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 26, 203-215, 203 R.M. Siqueira, K.F.S. Richard; J.F. Nascimento, A.P. Santana Musse, A.E.B. Torres, D.C.S. Azevedo, M. Bastos-Neto. Simulation of CO2/CH4 high pressure separation on microporous activated carbon. Chemical Engineering Communications, 206, 1425-1436, 2019 R. Morales-Ospino, R.G. Santiago, R.M. Siqueira, D.C.S. Azevedo, M. Bastos-Neto. Assessment of CO2 desorption from 13X zeolite for a prospective TSA process. Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 26, 813-824, 2019 R.M. Siqueira, E. Vilarrasa-García, A.E.B. Torres, D.C.S. Azevedo, M. Bastos-Neto. Simple procedure to estimate mass transfer coefficients from uptake curves on activated carbons. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 41, 1622-1630, 2018 R.M. Siqueira, G.R. Freitas, H.R. Peixoto, J.F. do Nascimento, A.P.S. Musse, A.E.B. Torres, D.C.S. Azevedo, M. Bastos-Neto. Carbon Dioxide Capture by Pressure Swing Adsorption. Energy Procedia, 114, 2182-2192, 2017
Rafael Siqueira