Rui S. Ribeiro holds MSc in Biological Engineering (University of Minho, Portugal) and PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering (University of Porto, Portugal). He is a Fulbright Scholar (2022/2023) and member of Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM since 2011 (Postdoctoral Researcher since 2018). 

In 2014, he was awarded an Individual PhD Scholarship funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, with a PhD thesis entitled “Synthesis of hybrid magnetic carbon nanocomposites for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation”. Dr Ribeiro completed his PhD studies in July 2018, having received the highest academic distinction awarded by University of Porto, the Portuguese Chemical Society prize for the best PhD thesis on catalysis, and the prize for the best PhD thesis in the field of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) by the International PhD School on AOPs.

Dr Ribeiro’s current research interests span across interdisciplinary fields, including carbon materials, engineered nanoparticles, electrochemistry, sensors, environmental monitoring, surface science, catalytic membranes, and water treatment by advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). His sound contributions to these fields are reflected in the co-authorship of 1 book and 33 articles in top-tier peer-reviewed international journals (>1,500 citations in Scopus); the high international visibility achieved, having delivered 4 invited keynote lectures (including 1 at “Carbon 2018” – the world’s premier carbon conference, 3 invited oral communications, and 3 invited seminars; and in his appointment as the Portuguese candidate to the 2023 EFCATS Young Researchers Award by the Portuguese Chemical Society. Moreover, he was recently granted a 6-year Employment Contract under the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus – 5th Edition, by FCT, and selected to serve as Early Career Editorial Board Member with Carbon Trends.


Carbon materials
Engineered nanoparticles
Environmental monitoring
Advanced oxidation processes


R. S. Ribeiro, M. Florent, J. J. Delgado, M. F.R. Pereira, T. J. Bandosz. Converting carbon black into an efficient and multi-site ORR electrocatalyst: The importance of bottom-up construction parameters. Nanoscale, 15, 18592-18602, 2023 Ribeiro R.S., Vieira A.L.S., Biernacki K., Magalhães A.L., Delgado J.J. , Morais R.G., Rey-Raap N., Rocha R.P., Pereira M.F.R.. Engineering single-atom Fe–N active sites on hollow carbon spheres for oxygen reduction reaction. Carbon, 213, 2023 Vieira O., Ribeiro R.S., Diaz de Tuesta J.L., Gomes H.T., Silva A.M.T.. A systematic literature review on the conversion of plastic wastes into valuable 2D graphene-based materials. Chemical Engineering Journal, 428, 131399, 2022 R.S. Ribeiro, J. Gallo, M. Bañobre-López, A.M.T. Silva, J.L. Faria, H.T. Gomes. Enhanced performance of cobalt ferrite encapsulated in graphitic shell by means of AC magnetically activated catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of 4-nitrophenol. Chemical Engineering Journal, 376, 120012, 2019 R.S. Ribeiro, A.M.T. Silva, J.L. Figueiredo, J.L. Faria, H.T. Gomes. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation: a route towards the application of hybrid magnetic carbon nanocomposites for the degradation of organic pollutants. A review. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 187, 428-460, 2016


BiCat4Energy - Carbon-based noble metal-free bifunctional electrocatalyst for renewable energy production: Improving the Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cell. Reference: PTDC/EQU-EQU/1707/2020. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I&DT - Projectos de I&DT em Todos os Domínios Científicos. Starting Date: 2021/03/01. Duration: 36 months. InSpeCt - Identifying and interrupting micropollutants of EU concern by using Smart Carbon materials. Reference: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-031049. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, P2020|COMPETE - Projetos em Todos os Domínios Científicos. Starting Date: 2018/07/01. Duration: 36 months. Degradation of organic pollutants by catalytic oxidation with hydrogen peroxide on carbon materials. Reference: PTDC/AAC-AMB/110088/2009. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I&DT - Projectos de I&DT em Todos os Domínios Científicos. Starting Date: 2011/01/01. Duration: 42 months.
Rui S. Ribeiro
Investigador Doutorado