Tânia F.C.V. Silva received her BSc and MSc in Chemical Engineering from the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) in 2007 and 2009, respectively. She integrated the LSRE-LCM as a research fellow in 2010, under the LFOTOBIO project in collaboration with EFACEC and SULDOURO companies, and a PhD student from 2011 to 2015, with a doctoral grant awarded by FCT. In October 2015, she completed her PhD in Environmental Engineering at FEUP, focused on the remediation of urban landfill leachates by multi-step treatment approaches, from lab to industrial scale, under the LFOTOBIO and AdvancedLFT projects. From 2015 to 2019, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the LSRE-LCM under several R&D projects. Since 2019, she has been a Junior Researcher at LSRE-LCM/FEUP, with an FCT-sponsored contract under the Individual CEEC 2017 program, focused on valorizing CO2 into solar fuels via photo-thermal catalysis.
T. Silva co-authored more than 70 scientific works, including 37 ISI-indexed papers (h-index: 21; >1100 citations; 35 in Q1 journals), 1 patent application, and 37 communications in conference proceedings. She was also Guest Editor of a Special Issue for Results in Engineering (Elsevier).
She has been a team member/Co-PI/PI (12/1/4) of several R&D projects, 5 funded by private companies (EFACEC, SULDOURO, and DS SMITH), under consulting services contracts, and 12 funded by national/international agencies (e.g., CAPES/FCT Proc. 279/2010; AdvancedLFT; AIProcMat@N2020; FCT/4981/6/4/2018/S; DRI/CAPES 5431; HyGreen&LowEmissions; LigTech; CO2-to-CH4). She was/is also involved in the supervision of 6 MSc, 7 PhD, 8 mobility students and 4 project researchers, the organization of 6 international conferences, 1 summer school and 1 winter school and dissemination activities for the wider public.