Carina Costa graduated in Chemistry at the University of Aveiro in 2007. Two years later, she finished her Master in Analytical Chemistry at the same university. In 2010, she earned a research fellowship at FEUP in LA LSRE-LCM to work on the Iberomare project, focused on the valorization of marine resources and wastes. In 2013, she started a doctoral grant funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and started her Ph.D. studies in Chemical and Biological Engineering at FEUP on “Vanillin and syringaldehyde from side streams of pulp and paper industries and biorefineries”. In 2017, she concluded her Ph.D. and after that, she worked as a Post-doc Researcher in the improvement of an integrated process for lignin valorization through added-value chemicals production, under the supervision of Professor Alírio Rodrigues. She has been involved in 2 national and 1 European R&D projects and has several collaborations with national and international industrial partners. She co-authored several publications, communications in national and international conference proceedings, and 1 book on added-value products from lignocellulosic biorefineries. She is also an invited reviewer for several international journals and additionally a guest editor of a special issue. Currently, Carina Costa is a Junior Researcher at LSRE-LCM, working on lignin conversion into bio-based chemicals and materials study.


Forest-based biorefinery
Lignocellulosic biomass valorization
Lignin characterization and classification
Integrated approach for added-value phenolics production from lignin
Lignin conversion into bio-based chemicals and materials


Abdelaziz O.Y., Clemmensen I., Meier S., Costa C.A.E., Rodrigues A.E., Hulteberg C.P., Riisager A.. On the Oxidative Valorization of Lignin to High-Value Chemicals: A Critical Review of Opportunities and Challenges. ChemSusChem, 15, e202201232, 2022 C.A.E. Costa, C.A. Vega-Aguilar, A.E. Rodrigues. Added-value chemicals from lignin oxidation. Molecules, 26, 4602, 2021 A.E. Rodrigues, P.C.R Pinto, M.F. Barreiro, C.A.E. Costa, M.I.F. Mota, I. Fernandes. An Integrated Approach for Added-Value Products from Lignocellulosic Biorefineries. Springer International Publishing, 2018 C.A.E. Costa, W. Coleman, M. Dube, A.E. Rodrigues, P.C.R. Pinto. Assessment of key features of lignin from lignocellulosic crops: Stalks and roots of corn, cotton, sugarcane, and tobacco. Industrial Crops and Products, 92, 136-148, 2016 C.A.E. Costa, P.C.R. Pinto, A.E. Rodrigues. Radar Tool for Lignin Classification on the Perspective of Its Valorization. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 7580-7590, 2015
Carina Costa
Investigador Doutorado