Margarida Brito graduated in Chemical Engineering from Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) in June 2016. She integrated the LSRE-LCM research team at FEUP in September 2016, as a project researcher. In February 2017, she started her PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering. During her PhD, she spent four months at the University of Manchester in 2018, studying the mixing of highly viscous fluids in non-inertial regimes. In 2021, she completed her PhD with a thesis entitled "Mixing Mechanisms in 2D Reactors", which focused on the fundamental study of flow and mixing dynamics in laminar chaotic flows using both Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and laser flow characterization techniques (Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence, PLIF). She continued her research as a PostDoc at LEPABE (FEUP) within the HyGreen&LowEmissions project (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000077). From September 2022 to January 2023, Margarida was at the Laboratoire Génie Chimique (LGC-INP) in Toulouse, where she experimentally studied the mechanisms governing particle suspensions in continuous oscillatory flow reactors. In April 2024, she was awarded a Junior Researcher contract under the 6th Scientific Employment Stimulus, funded by FCT, to pursue research on "On-Mixing - Mixing Principles in Modulated Flow Reactors." The innovation, breadth, and depth of her research were recognized by the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and its Working Party on Mixing, through the EFCE Young Researcher Award in Mixing 2023.