C. Cruzeiro, is an Environmental Researcher. She holds a degree in Zootechnic Engineering from UTAD (2007) and a MSc degree (2009) split between Portugal and The Netherlands. Between 2009 and 2011, she secured a Junior Assistant position at CIIMAR (Portugal), in an Environmental & Toxicological Project. She completed her PhD journey in Biomedical Sciences at ICBAS-UPorto in 2016, followed by a post-doctoral position at CFE (UC, Portugal).

In 2019, she secured a Senior Postdoc position at Helmholtz Munich Institute (HMGU, Germany), focusing on antibiotic elimination from wastewater and creating a list of antibiotic-resistance genes as part of the IDOUM project. In 2020, as one of the principal investigators, she gained funding for the SLURP project, evaluating the toxicological effects of organic amendments for crop production. In 2022, she co-founded WISE (www.be-wise.pt), focusing on science communication and empowering women in research. In 2023, she continued her position at the Environmental Simulation Group (HMGU), working on the BioFoodOnMars project, optimizing biomass production in marginal soils.

Currently, she is a Junior Leader (LCF/BQ/PI23/11970038) under “la Caixa” Junior Leader Fellowship at LSRE-LCM, where she will explore technologies to enhance waste activated sludge pre-treatment for safe-sludge production and improved biogas production.

Her research has resulted in 50+ ISI publications (h-index: 24; citations:1360), contributing significantly to environmental sciences, toxicology, and water pollution. She has supervised several students (PhD, MSc, and BSc), evaluated a doctoral proposal, and 3 bachelor theses. Catarina has presented at 10+ national and international conferences, with over 35 works, including 18 oral presentations (5 invited talks). She has received 6 travel grants for international meetings/events.

Over the last 12 years, C. Cruzeiro has participated in 8 national and 13 international research projects, financially supported by various sources, collaborating with over 80 researchers.


Wastewater Reuse and Valorization
Biosolids and Nutrient Recovery
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Plant Production


David Mamdouh Khalaf, Catarina Cruzeiro, Roberto Siani, Susanne Kublik, Peter Schröder. Resilience of barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants upon exposure to tramadol: Implication for the root-associated bacterial community and the antioxidative plant defence system. Science of The Total Environment, 892, 164260, 2023 L.L. Ndlela, P. Schroeder, B. Genthe, C. Cruzeiro. Removal of Antibiotics Using an Algae-Algae Consortium (Chlorella protothecoides and Chlorella vulgaris). Toxics, 11, 588, 2023 U. Zadel, C. Cruzeiro, A.C.R. Durai, J. Nesme, R. May, H. Balázs, B. Michalke, G. Płaza, P.r Schröder, M. Schloter, V. Radl. Exudates from Miscanthus x giganteus change the response of a root-associated Pseudomonas putida strain towards heavy metals. Environmental Pollution, 313, 119989, 2022 D.M. Khalaf, C. Cruzeiro, P. Schröder. Removal of tramadol from water using Typha angustifolia and Hordeum vulgare as biological models: Possible interaction with other pollutants in short-term uptake experiments. Science of The Total Environment, 809, 151164, 2022 Y. Bigott, D.M. Khalaf, P. Schröder, P.M. Schröder, C. Cruzeiro,. Uptake and Translocation of Pharmaceuticals in Plants: Principles and Data Analysis. In Interaction and Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Soil-Crop Systems, pp. 103-140, Sandra Pérez Solsona, Nicola Montemurro, Serge Chiron, Damià Barceló, Springer, Cham, 2020


ReWateR - Recovery of Wastewater Resources in Agriculture. Reference: 82343. Funded by: “La Caixa” Foundation, INCF - Incoming Fellowship 2023. Starting Date: 2024/04/01. Duration: 36 months. Role: Coordinator NEWater - Unconventional, natural and low-energy solutions for managing water sources. Reference: Water4All/0002/2022. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Water4All - Water4All Partnership (co-funded by Horizon Europe). Starting Date: 2023/12/01. Duration: 36 months.
Catarina Cruzeiro
Investigador Doutorado