Science & Technology Week 2016

November 21-25, 2016

LSRE-LCM researchers participate in dissemination of scientific and technological advances. 

For Science & technology Week 2016, LSRE-LCM together with DEQ and two other R&D Units, organized a series of presentations and visits to the laboratories under the subject “Technological advances in emerging fields of Chemical, Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology”.  

The event was attended by MIEQ students high school students and their teachers.



Almeida C.F., Manrique Y.A., Lopes J.C.B., Martins F.G., Dias M.M.. Recovery of ergosterol from Agaricus bisporus mushrooms via supercritical fluid extraction: A response surface methodology optimisation. Heliyon, 10, e21943, 2024
Lopes J.C., Albero J., Sampaio M.J., Silva C.G., García H., Faria J.L.. Selective oxidative coupling of amines through light-activated bismuth halide perovskites. ChemCatChem, 16, e202301432, 2024
Corrêa I., Faria R.P.V., Rodrigues A.E.. Enhanced simulated moving bed reactor performance for the synthesis of solketal by implementing the ModiCon strategy. Adsorption, 30, 79 - 93, 2024
Paulista L.O., Ferreira A.F.P., Castanheira B., Ðolić M.B., Martins R.J.E., Boaventura R.A.R., Vilar V.J.P., Silva T.F.C.V.. Solar-driven thermo-photocatalytic CO2 methanation over a structured RuO2:TiO2/SBA-15 nanocomposite at low temperature. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 340, 123232, 2024
Fdez-Sanromán A., Torres-Pinto A., Rosales E., Silva C.G., Faria J.L., Pazos M., Silva A.M.T.. Optimisation of a photoelectrochemical system for the removal of pharmaceuticals in water using graphitic carbon nitride. Catalysis Today, 432, 114578, 2024


SWMOF - Water capture from atmospheric humidity using ecological MOFs and integration with intelligent water distribution systems. Reference: Water4All/0003/2022. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Water4All - Water4All Partnership (co-funded by Horizon Europe). Starting Date: 2024/04/01. Duration: 36 months.
ReWateR - Recovery of Wastewater Resources in Agriculture. Reference: 82343. Funded by: “La Caixa” Foundation, INCF - Incoming Fellowship 2023. Starting Date: 2024/04/01. Duration: 36 months.
ERA-ARE - A new ERA for Environmental Risk Assessment: Chirality as a tool towards environmentally safe pharmaceuticals. Reference: ERC - 101039270. Funded by: European Comission, Horizon Europe | ERC | STARTING GRANTS. Starting Date: 2023/12/31. Duration: 60 months.
NEWater - Unconventional, natural and low-energy solutions for managing water sources. Reference: Water4All/0002/2022. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Water4All - Water4All Partnership (co-funded by Horizon Europe). Starting Date: 2023/12/01. Duration: 36 months.
RESURGENCE - Industrial Water Circularity: Reuse, resource recovery and energy efficiency for greener digitised EU process. Reference: 101138097. Funded by: European Comission, Horizonte Europa | Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space. Starting Date: 2023/12/01. Duration: 48 months.


Patrícia Sofia Ferreira Ramalho
Selective reduction of nitric oxide (NOx) over carbon-based catalysts
Daniela Maria Vilaça Pereira
Innovative (photo) electrocatalytic technologies for the sustainable oxidation of organic compounds
Joana Carvalho Lopes
Photocatalytic synthesis of imines: Novel routes to ever-new molecules
Isabel Sofia Oliveira Barbosa
Technologies for Sustainable Ammonia Production: Reactor Design and Prototyping
Maria Amélia Gabriel de Barros
Photoactivated metal-free smart textiles with self-cleaning and antibacterial properties
Vinicius Viena Santana
Cyber-physical oriented chemical process for green and sustainable production