LSRE-LCM Researchers Feature in Latest Issue of Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química

August 23, 2024

The latest issue of the Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química features two contributions from researchers at LSRE-LCM/ALiCE. This edition provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of chemistry in Portugal, explores the challenges faced by young researchers, and highlights the work being conducted by researchers in the field.
The first article, titled “Contaminantes Emergentes na Água: Presença de Antibióticos, e Agora,” authored by Ana M. Gorito and Ana Rita L. Ribeiro, addresses the research gaps related to the presence of emerging contaminants in the environment, highlighting the problematic of pharmaceuticals and specifically of antibiotics, a field that is being studied at LSRE-LCM under the framework of the ERC Starting Grant.
The second article, “Mecanismos de Mistura em Reatores Químicos 2D,” authored by Margarida Brito, offers an in-depth review of the research conducted at LSRE-LCM on mixing mechanisms in Confined Impinging Jets (CIJs), T-Jets, and Split-and-Recombine mixers.
This issue can be accessed online at

Workshop on valorization of by-products and agri-food waste hosted by LSRE-LCM

July 26, 2024

On July 1, 2024, the Chemical Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto hosted a successful workshop titled “Valorização de subprodutos e/ou resíduos agroalimentares” (Valorization of by-products and/or agri-food waste). This event, targeted at final-year Chemical Engineering students and researchers, was organized by LSRE-LCM/ALiCE researchers Isabel Martins, Cláudia Gomes da Silva, Ricardo Santos, and Yaidelin Manrique.

The workshop was supported by researchers from the CyChest project (PD23-00008) as part of its dissemination action plan, aimed at promoting innovative approaches to the valorization of byproducts and waste in the agro-food sector. The event featured the participation of several key stakeholders and partners, including   CCDR-N, COLAB4FOOD, FCUP, GreenUporto, LEPABE/ALiCE, and CIMO/IPB.

The workshop included a presentation by Researcher Isabel Martins(LSRE-LCM/ALiCE) and Professor Filomena Barreiro (CIMO/IPB), the project coordinators, who provided valuable insights into the project's objectives.

A significant highlight was the round table “Desafios e oportunidades na valorização de resíduos para a criação de produtos de valor acrescentado" (Challenges and Opportunities in Waste Valorization for Creating Value-Added Products), chaired by Ricardo Santos (FEUP, ALiCE). Panelists included Lúcia Santos (FEUP, ALiCE), Carina Costa (FEUP, ALiCE), Daniel Sousa (COLAB4FOOD), and Elsa Ramalhosa (IPB, CIMO).

The workshop provided a platform for attendees to learn from experts, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations in the field of agro-food waste valorization.

Cychest project intends to promote better integration of waste management of chestnut production in the Parque Natural de Montesinho activities, with actions targeted at soil protection and pest control and creating value to guarantee the sustainability of the park's activities. The planned strategy is based on the valorisation of residues from the chestnut production by extracting compounds with high added value from their residues.



Almeida C.F., Manrique Y.A., Lopes J.C.B., Martins F.G., Dias M.M.. Recovery of ergosterol from Agaricus bisporus mushrooms via supercritical fluid extraction: A response surface methodology optimisation. Heliyon, 10, e21943, 2024
Lopes J.C., Albero J., Sampaio M.J., Silva C.G., García H., Faria J.L.. Selective oxidative coupling of amines through light-activated bismuth halide perovskites. ChemCatChem, 16, e202301432, 2024
Corrêa I., Faria R.P.V., Rodrigues A.E.. Enhanced simulated moving bed reactor performance for the synthesis of solketal by implementing the ModiCon strategy. Adsorption, 30, 79 - 93, 2024
Paulista L.O., Ferreira A.F.P., Castanheira B., Ðolić M.B., Martins R.J.E., Boaventura R.A.R., Vilar V.J.P., Silva T.F.C.V.. Solar-driven thermo-photocatalytic CO2 methanation over a structured RuO2:TiO2/SBA-15 nanocomposite at low temperature. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 340, 123232, 2024
Fdez-Sanromán A., Torres-Pinto A., Rosales E., Silva C.G., Faria J.L., Pazos M., Silva A.M.T.. Optimisation of a photoelectrochemical system for the removal of pharmaceuticals in water using graphitic carbon nitride. Catalysis Today, 432, 114578, 2024


SWMOF - Water capture from atmospheric humidity using ecological MOFs and integration with intelligent water distribution systems. Reference: Water4All/0003/2022. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Water4All - Water4All Partnership (co-funded by Horizon Europe). Starting Date: 2024/04/01. Duration: 36 months.
ReWateR - Recovery of Wastewater Resources in Agriculture. Reference: 82343. Funded by: “La Caixa” Foundation, INCF - Incoming Fellowship 2023. Starting Date: 2024/04/01. Duration: 36 months.
ERA-ARE - A new ERA for Environmental Risk Assessment: Chirality as a tool towards environmentally safe pharmaceuticals. Reference: ERC - 101039270. Funded by: European Comission, Horizon Europe | ERC | STARTING GRANTS. Starting Date: 2023/12/31. Duration: 60 months.
NEWater - Unconventional, natural and low-energy solutions for managing water sources. Reference: Water4All/0002/2022. Funded by: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Water4All - Water4All Partnership (co-funded by Horizon Europe). Starting Date: 2023/12/01. Duration: 36 months.
RESURGENCE - Industrial Water Circularity: Reuse, resource recovery and energy efficiency for greener digitised EU process. Reference: 101138097. Funded by: European Comission, Horizonte Europa | Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space. Starting Date: 2023/12/01. Duration: 48 months.


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