Eliana Sousa da Silva was prized with a Best Poster Award, attributed by the International Scientific Committee of the 8th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, CarboCat–VIII, held in Porto – Portugal from 26 to 29 June.
The award comprises a certificate and a monetary prize, kindly sponsored by Catalysts (MDPI).
The work presented at this conference, entitled "Tuning the properties of g-C3N4 for enhanced photocatalytic production of H2 from water" is a result of a joint collaboration with researchers from several institutions, namely Professor Manuel Prieto (CQFM-IN and IBB, Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Professor Ana Coutinho (CQFM-IN and IBB, Instituto Superior Técnico, and Faculty of Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Doctor Claudia H. Sawnson (Institut für Chemie, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany), Doctor Cláudia G. Silva (LSRE-LCM) and Professor Joaquim L. Faria (LSRE-LCM).
Eliana Sousa da Silva is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher at LSRE-LCM, working under the guidance of Professor Joaquim L. Faria in the field of photocatalytic water splitting to produce solar fuels, namely hydrogen.
LA LSRE-LCM congratulates Eliana for the award received at CarboCat-VIII!
The 8th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, CarboCat – VIII, took place in Porto from June 26 to 29. The event was organized by the Catalysis and Carbon Materials group of the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, under the auspices of the Carbon Group of the Portuguese Chemical Society (C@SPQ).
Following the previous CarboCat meetings held in Lausanne (2004), Saint-Petersburg (2006), Berlin (2008), Dalian (2010), Brixen (2012), Trondheim (2014) and Strasbourg (2016), CarboCat-VIII was devoted to new developments and fundamental advances on carbon materials (conventional and nanostructured carbons) for catalytic applications.
The Scientific Program included 3 Plenary Lectures by renowned scientists, namely Professors Graham Hutchings (Cardiff University, UK), Krijn P. de Jong (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) and Robert Schlögl (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society and Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany), 4 Key-Note Lectures (Siglinda Perathoner, Italy; Magdalena Titirici, UK; Magnus Rønning, Norway; and Nathalie Job, Belgium), 33 oral communications and 85 posters communications, of which 12 were also selected for Short Oral presentation. The venue of CarboCat VIII was the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library, located in the magnificent gardens of “Palácio de Cristal”, and kindly made available by the Town Hall, where the 130 delegates from 18 different countries were adequately received.
The Social Program included a welcome reception, a boat trip in the Douro, a visit to the Port Wine Cellars, and the Congress Dinner, which also featured a taste of “Fado”, the traditional Portuguese song, performed by our own post-doctoral researcher Rita Ruivo.
It was most rewarding to learn that the participants returned home with Porto in their hearts!
More information about this year edition of CarboCat – VIII at: http://carbocatviii.eventos.chemistry.pt/